Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Being Literate in the 21st Century

As I watched this YouTube video on being literate in the 21st century, it really got me thinking about how literacy has changed since I was in school. I agree with some of the teachers in the video about the definitions of literacy. When I think about when I learned to read, I think about learning letters and sounds. We had big alphabet books (about 12x12). Each book was a different letter. We practiced tracing, writing, and picking pictures that started with that letter. Nowadays, I think about how my 3 years old does so much with technology. There are so many apps out there to help our kids read. How can we use these avenues to enhance our children's learning. 

Also while I was reading about blogging, the thought that it's really more about reading than writing struck me. I had never thought about that before, but it's so true. Before you begin writing a blog, you need to know the ins and outs of blogs you enjoy reading. It's a great way to get students reading and writing in a different manor. It's different than the routine of writing essays. It's a way to get their creative juices flowing and allows them to branch out a bit more. 

Being literate today is so much more than what it meant even just a few short years ago. As technology emerges, we as teachers need to keep up with those trends. It is our responsibility to teach our students in ways that they understand, and as they use technology more and more, why not use those avenues to get them to learn?

EDET 573 Intro

We're starting a new course for our MET program. It's hard to believe we are winding down this degree! I have learned so many new ways to use technology to help my students learn. With our school moving to 1:1  this year, I know these classes will be a huge benefit! As this class begins (Technology of Enhance Literacy), I am excited to learn ways to get my students reading and writing online. Being a math teacher, I also hope to learn and find ways I can enhance literacy in my classroom. I am excited to begin this journey!